Net asset value on September 30, 2023, was SEK 134.7 billion, or SEK 312 per share. During the first nine months, net asset value increased by 6%, corresponding to SEK 19 per share. The total return for the period was 17% for the Class A shares, as well as for the Class C shares, compared with 5% for the Stockholm Stock Exchange’s total return index (SIXRX). During the first nine months of 2023, shares were purchased for a total of SEK 2.0 billion, of which SEK 0.8 billion in Sandvik, SEK 0.6 bi
Where the company increases or reduces the total number of shares or votes in the company, the company shall by law publish information regarding the change. At the 2011 Annual General Meeting, a share conversion clause was added to Industrivärden’s articles of association. Shareholders have the right at any time to request conversion of Class A shares to Class C shares. During the month of September 2023, 200 Class A shares were converted to 200 Class C shares. Following the share conversion, t
In accordance with a resolution for the Nominating Committee made by the 2011 Annual General Meeting, and which applies until further notice, the Chairman of the Board is assigned the task of contacting four shareholders from among the largest registered shareholders in terms of votes in Euroclear Sweden AB's printout of the shareholder register as per the last business day in August, who each appoints one representative who is not a director on the Company's board, to form together with the Cha