Chiusura precedente | 34,80 |
Rendimento dall'inizio dell'anno (YTD) | N/D |
Coefficiente di spesa (netto) | N/D |
Categoria | N/D |
Ultimo guadagno in conto di capitale | N/D |
Valutazione Morningstar | N/D |
Valutazione di Morningstar (rischio) | N/D |
Rating di sostenibilità | N/D |
Attivi netti | N/D |
Beta (mensile su 5 anni) | N/D |
Rendimento | N/D |
Rendimento medio 5a | N/D |
Turnover portafoglio titoli | N/D |
Ultimo dividendo | N/D |
Media per la categoria | N/D |
Data di inizio disponibilità | N/D |
2023 FIRST-HALF EARNINGS_____ Net sales up +7.9% to €96.1m Gross margin growth of +9.6% to €78.9m Operational profitability resilient, with an EBITDA margin1 of 13.6% despite the intensity of investmentsNet income (Group share) of €5.0m, with a net margin of 6.4% Paris, 29 September 2023 (6:00pm) - The DÉKUPLE Group, a cross-channel data marketing expert, is reporting its earnings for the first half of 2023. Bertrand Laurioz, DÉKUPLE Group Chairman and CEO: “In a complex economic environment, we
The Dékuple Group acquires a majority stake in the consulting agency Le Nouveau Bélier, asserting its expertise in advertising strategy for Retail. Paris, September 19, 2023 (8am) - Le Nouveau Bélier, an advertising strategy consultancy specialized in retail, is joining the Dékuple Group, a European player in data marketing. This alliance, which brings together the data-driven skills of the Dékuple Group and the branding and advertising expertise of Le Nouveau Bélier, will enable to create a uni